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Registration Form


I hereby declare my wish to be a member of the Association of Friends of the Camino de Santiago de la Comunidad Valenciana, for which purpose I indicate my personal details:


Details of other people from the same family group who also wish to belong to the Association:



In order to collect the fees established by the Association, I indicate below my bank details, where these fees can be made effective, until new order:
Type of annual fee *:

(The amount of the fee includes the annual subscription to the magazine “Peregrino”)


Please prove you are human by selecting the flag.

General Conditions:

Mr. President of the Association of Friends of the Camino de Santiago de la Comunidad Valenciana, I am interested in belonging to the association that you preside, whose aims are:

The knowledge, empowerment and dissemination of all aspects relating to the Camino de Santiago through:

  1. Creation of a bibliographic and cartographic documentation centre.
  2. Carrying out of studies on the Way and its subsequent publication.
  3. Organization and orientation of trips to the Way.
  4. Contacts and coordination with other institutions with the same objectives.
  5. Studies and research on phenomena of similar characteristics in the Valencian Community.
  6. Tertulias, conferences and other informative activities on the subject.
  7. Any other not-for-profit activity related to the Pilgrim’s Way to Santiago.


To attend the meetings of the General Assembly: to elect or be elected to representative positions; to request and obtain explanations on the administration and management of the Board of Directors; to receive information on the activities of the Association and the magazines that are published.


To adjust its performance to the statutory norms; to comply with the agreements of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors; to pay dues on time. I agree with the purposes, rights and duties of membership and formally request admission to the association.