25th Stage

25th Stage

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Medina del Campo – Siete Iglesias de Trabancos (25,5 km)

One leaves this village without wanting to, heading west, leaving from Almirante street, San Martín street, Ronda del Apóstol Santiago and Plaza de Santiago.

*Attention: Southeast Way by Mondragón street, next to the exit of the Levante Way.

To follow the itinerary of Levante Way, you have to get to the church of Santiago and, with your back to it, cross the road CL-602 or Albar Fáñez Minaya street, go straight on and turn left into San Lázaro street to continue towards Villaverde de Medina and Nava del Rey: an overpass helps us cross the railway tracks and leaves us on the road. In the background and to the right, a little far from the road, is the named White House, a country residence of the Renaissance. Once you have passed the train track, follow the path parallel to the track, to the left. The road goes straight on and passes Dueñas de Abajo and Dueñas de Arriba. From here, walk along a wide, agricultural road. About 500 meters before Nava, the road makes a turn and the city is presented to you as in a picture.


AlbergueFuenteBarComidasPensión - HotelTiendaBanco - Caja de AhorrosOficina de CorreosMédicoFarmaciaCentro de SaludTienda de BicisCasa RuralPolicía - Guardia CivilEstación de AutobusesTestimonio Jacobeo

It enters Nava by the road of Torrecilla del Valle, crosses the railway, the Plaza de Oriente, Luis Salvador Carmona street, Plaza de la Verdura, Ramón y Cajal street and Plaza de España.

You should visit the church of Santos Juanes, which began to build Romanesque according to traces of Rodrigo Gil de Hontañón. The beauty of the tower has made it known as La Giralda de Castilla. The sacristy is a real jewel. In the church of Santa Cruz stands out a Nazarene Jesus of the year 1.600, and in the church of the Convent of the Augustinians you can admire a Divina Pastora and a San Judas of Luis Salvador Carmona. The church of the Hospital de San Miguel and El Convento de las Madres Capuchinas deserve that the pilgrim stops even for an instant to admire some carvings of the Virgin with the Child. He also enters the Town Hall, walks under the porches… and goes to see the Bodegas Urdil. The walk will not disappoint you.

  • Town Hall: Plaza de España,1. www.ayto-navadelrey.com. Tel: 983 850 111.
  • Tourist Office: C/ Evangelista, 11. Tel: 983 667 969.
  • Municipal hostel for pilgrims in Evangelista street, 11. “Casa de los Maestros”. Information Of. Tourism. Tel.: 605 948 089
  • Hotel Rural Doña Elvira: C/ Empedrada, 2. Tel.: 983 850 477
  • Rural House “Dos Hermanas”: C/ Arrabal, 16. Tel.: 983 850 335

Take the local road to Alaejos. After 200 metres, a path on the right takes you to Siete Iglesias de Trabancos passing in front of the Concepción Hermitage (1 kilometre away). The Cañadas de la Pavana and the Cañadas de los Herreros are crossed, the Trabancos river is passed over a small bridge and Siete Iglesias is opposite. Up to here there are about 7.5 kilometers. Cross the new dual carriageway by overpass and the N-620 from Salamanca to Valladolid.


AlbergueFuenteBarComidasPensión - HotelTiendaFarmaciaCentro de SaludPolicía - Guardia CivilEstación de AutobusesTestimonio Jacobeo

This town belongs to the region Tierras de Medina. The first signs date back to the reign of Alfonso VI. The entrance is through the Ermita del Humilladero, next to which is the Hogar del Jubilado (Retired People’s Home) with cafeteria and atmosphere. The 16th century church has a good and solid construction, it is dedicated to San Pelayo and has five magnificent altarpieces. In other times it had seven churches, one was in the castle, called Santa María del Castillo, the current one is dedicated to San Pelayo. The others were around the village: the Humilladero, Santo Tomé, Santa Olalla, San Pedro, San Juan, and the traveller on arrival saw the wonder of the seven towers.

  • Town Hall: Plaza Mayor, 1.Tel: 983 816 006
  • Municipal Pilgrims’ Hostel: Hot water, bunk beds. Notify the Town Hall from 9.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. Outside opening hours, ask for the constable, Andoni, 691 365 997.  4 places
  • Hostal “Los Toreros de Trabancos”: Tel.: 983 817 105