6th Stage

6th Stage

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Almansa – Higueruela (38,4 km)

From Almansa you leave from Aragón street (behind the church), there are some very beautiful houses, cross José Hernández street, and continue through the park, turn left onto Jorge Manrique, turn left onto Ayora avenue until the hostel “Los Rosales”, where you cross to the left to walk along the main road for about 500 metres, cross to the right on a dirt road, pass the motorway by a subway, turn left and follow the service road. After the flyover, leave this road to follow the road to San Antón, cross the Rambla del Pantano and continue to the old mill next to the hermitage of San Antonio. Continue to the left, climbing gently in a north-westerly direction for a short stretch. When you reach a fork, continue to the right: there is a Private Hunting Preserve sign painted on a forbidden direction sign.

The direction is now North, then West along the Mugrón plateau. On the way: atocha, juniper and rosemary perfume the air. After about two hours’ walk, you come out onto the CM-3201 road, which leads to Alpera, cross it, follow the road straight ahead and, without going over the bridge, turn right, following the railway line. After about 2.5 kilometres, the path takes us to the right and immediately turns left, crosses the track over a bridge and enters El Carrascal. Take the path on the right that crosses the houses on the farm, and continue west on a good dirt track. After 1 kilometre there is a fork to the right, *(Variante Ruta de la Lana).

If you think you are not going to be able to walk the 38 km to Higueruela, from this point, you can turn off to the town of Alpera along the Ruta de la Lana, where there is accommodation.

And if you have split the stage so as not to do the 38 km in a row and you have slept in Alpera, return to this point and continue on your way to Higueruela.

The road to Higueruela does not turn off, it continues straight on. You pass in front of the finca Los Hondos: the second house has a fountain at the door. Follow this road for another 1 hour, turn right and continue over the flyover towards almost north, then turn left and follow the Alpera-Higueruela road with little traffic. Pass through the hamlet of Casillas de Marín de Arriba. From here it is 9 km between pine trees and cereals to the village of Higueruela.


AlbergueFuenteBarComidasTiendaBanco - Caja de AhorrosMédicoFarmaciaCentro de SaludPolicía - Guardia CivilEstación de AutobusesTestimonio Jacobeo

The route through the town is marked with scallop pottery. The road goes out to the CM-3209 road, follow Constitución Avenue, Levante Street, Santa Quiteria and Travesía de la Plaza until the Plaza Mayor, where the hostel is located. Higueruela belongs to the association Monte Ibérico-Corredor de Almansa. It is a hospitable village located on the slope of Mount Santa Bárbara la Vieja. Its oldest church, now in ruins, was dedicated to Santa Barbara; the new church is dedicated to Santa Quiteria and dates from the late 18th century. From the mound where it is located, there is a wonderful panoramic view. They are lands of atocha (esparto), rosemary and juniper.

  • Municipal pilgrim hostel: Call the Town Hall to inform of the arrival, telephone 967 287 180 (from 8.00 to 15.00 hours), 2 places. 
  • Bar-Hostal La Posada: C/ La Posada, s/n. Tel.: 967 285 013.
  • Town Hall: Avenida Juan Carlos I, 1. Tel: 967 287 180.