35th Stage

35th Stage

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A Gudiña – Laza (34,4 km)

Today’s walk will be a long walk that will be compensated by the landscapes and the kindness of the people. You arrive at small population centers called Vendas, which is equivalent to Ventas, which suggests great transit of people in other times. In the sixteenth century the road that is stepped on was called the Camino Real; today it has almost no traffic.

Following the street parallel to the road, you leave from a height of 900 metres along an asphalted road towards Venda do Espiño or Cerdeira, about 5 kilometres from the exit, having surpassed 1,000 metres in altitude at this point. At Venda da Teresa the altimeter is 1,069 metres. The landscape has changed: the heathers cover the fields and the Das Portas reservoir delights the view. In the Venda da Capela you can find rest and food in the house of Mrs. Irene; here the train that makes the journey Ourense – Puebla de Sanabria stops and was an important railway station in the time of the construction of the reservoir. 4 kilometers ahead is Venda de Bolaño. Continue along an asphalted road. At 1 kilometre is the Alto da Corga do Pantasma. After 1.5 kilometers, the road turns to the left and descends to 890 meters in Campo Becerros.


FuenteBarPensión - HotelTiendaCentro de SaludCasa RuralTestimonio Jacobeo

It belongs to the Town Council of Castrelo do Val and to the Region of Verín-Monterrei. It was entrusted by San Marcos de León, of the Order of Santiago. The parish church is dedicated to Santiago and his image contemplates us from the niche.

  • Rural pension Casa Nuñez (Tel.: 988 305 421) prices for pilgrims. 30 places

You cross the town and go up to Porto Camba (San Miguel), a small town with abandoned houses, popular architecture that gets lost, so curious that you should not go without stopping: it is possible that you take a good number of photos.

You leave on a cobblestone path with large slabs towards the large wooden cross that the friars of the Monastery of Los Milagros gave as a gift in memory of the dead pilgrims, and which has become another Cruz de Ferro, since pilgrims also leave the stones that are piled up.

From here you descend along a winding dirt road, through the bends that cross the slope and, between fountains, brooms, oaks, pines and chestnut trees, with a relaxing view, you arrive at As Eiras, (parish of Santiago de Trez), a small village with interesting houses, in one of which a stone oven was preserved.

From As Eiras, you descend to Laza by a completely asphalted road.


AlbergueFuenteBarComidasPensión - HotelTiendaBanco - Caja de AhorrosMédicoFarmaciaCentro de SaludCasa RuralPolicía - Guardia CivilEstación de AutobusesTestimonio Jacobeo

He’s the head of a council. The population is famous for its Carnivals -the Androido-, whose protagonists are the peliqueiros that give lashes to the one that is put to shot, as they did in another time the collectors of tributes of the Condes de Monterrei. In the feast of La Cruz de Mayo Adam and Eve and the sacrifice of Isaac are represented.

Before reaching the church is the Plaza de la Picota, where part of the punishment stone is preserved.

The most characteristic of Laza from the physical point of view is the valley formed by the river Tamega that extends from Albergaría to El Duero. The remains discovered here speak of its importance in Roman times as a link between Ourense and A Gudiña.

  • Town Hall. C/ Castiñeiro, 4. Tel: 988 422 002
  • Xunta de Galicia Hostel. Rùa do Toural. Tel: 988 422 112. 24 places
  • Restaurant and Pension Blanco Conde (Hostal A Nosa). Tel. 609 787 178